Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: Escape

I carefully incorporated location and specific set designs into this sequence.
Scroll to the bottom to see the overheads I drew to match the action.

An intersection in New Orleans, dressed to be San Francisco. The Visual Effects supervisor advised which shots were VFX or not.

An intersection in New Orleans, dressed to be San Francisco. The Visual Effects supervisor advised which shots were VFX or not.

1st 3 frames show the exterior location from within the set. I try to check if a shot like this is possible as practical, or if it has to be a done as a visual effect.
The bottom frame shows a separate set built as subway tracks underground.

1st 3 frames show the exterior location from within the set. I try to check if a shot like this is possible as practical, or if it has to be a done as a visual effect.
The bottom frame shows a separate set built as subway tracks underground.

Sometimes I will suggest a camera move across a foreground element as a cut point for editorial.

Sometimes I will suggest a camera move across a foreground element as a cut point for editorial.

The boom up matches the previous shot, and suggests we are emerging from underground. I got the actor's blocking from the director and production designer, and used the set to amplify the character's sense of vulnerability.

The boom up matches the previous shot, and suggests we are emerging from underground. I got the actor's blocking from the director and production designer, and used the set to amplify the character's sense of vulnerability.

The actor's reaction, then a subjective shot, plus VFX to heighten the tension!

The actor's reaction, then a subjective shot, plus VFX to heighten the tension!